Developmental/Adapted PE (DAPE)

Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE)

Based on information in the Evaluation Report and the student file, the student must meet requirements in A and B below.

A. Disability

The student must have at least one of the following disabilities: 

_____ Autism Spectrum Disorder               _____ Deaf-Blind

_____ Emotional or Behavioral Disorder    _____ Deaf and Hard of Hearing

_____ Developmental Cognitive Disability  _____ Other Health Disability

_____ Physically Impaired                         _____ Severely Multiply Impaired

_____ Blind or Visually Impaired                _____ Traumatic Brain Injury

_____ Specific Learning Disability            _____ Developmental Delay (3-6)

B. Evaluation

The student’s file must contain documentation of one of the following:

_____ Standardized psychomotor evaluation or physical fitness test, administered individually by an appropriate licensed teacher (performing at 1.5 standard deviations or more below the mean)

          Test: ______________    Standard Deviation: _________________


Development, or achievement and independence in school, home, and community settings are inadequate to allow success in regular physical education based on at least two of the following:

_____ Motor and skills checklists       _____ Criterion-referenced measures
_____ Parent and staff interviews      _____ Informal Tests

_____ Medical history or reports        _____ Systematic observations

_____ Social, emotional, and behavioral evaluations
_____ Deficits in achievement related to the defined curriculum

Review of Eligibility Determination

To determine compliance with eligibility determination, one of the following must be checked. 

_____ The documentation supports the team decision.
_____ The documentation does not support the team decision.

For complete information regarding disability criteria requirements, refer to Minnesota Rule 3525.1352.