Lakes Country Service Cooperative (LCSC)

  • About LCSC                                                            LCSC

    Who We Are

    Lakes Country Service Cooperative (LCSC) is a public, nonprofit membership-based organization dedicated to providing quality, innovative services that help make our members successful. Originally created by legislation in 1976 to provide services to pre-k through 12 education, we have grown and expanded to provide quality, innovative programs to cities, counties, other governmental agencies, and non-profit agencies.

    Who We Serve
    • Education – Public, Charter, Private Schools and Higher Education
    • Local and State Government Agencies – Cities, Counties, Townships, State Agencies
    • Other Governmental Agencies – Housing, Redevelopment Authorities, Public Health, Govt. Associations and Joint Powers Groups
    • Nonprofit Agencies – Philanthropic, Arts, Faith-based and Community Organizations

  • Today, our services reach over 140 members in our original nine-county region in west central Minnesota, and hundreds more through our partnerships with
    other service cooperatives and state agencies.


  • M I S S I O N:
    "We Advocate for Strong Communities Through Service and Leadership."

    V A L U E S:
    Leadership: Transforming the Future for ALL
    Collaboration: Together We Achieve a Culture of Learning and Growth
    Service: Responsive, Innovative, Effective Solutions

    V I S I O N:
    "Learning, Leading, and Innovating to Achieve Vibrant, Inclusive Communities."