Other Health Disabilities (OHD)

Other Health Disabilities (OHD)

Based on information in the Evaluation Report and the student file, the student must meet the requirements in A through C below.

A. Health Condition Documentation

_____ Written and signed documentation of a medically diagnosed chronic or acute health condition by a physician or licensed health care provider acting within the scope of their practice. For initial evaluations, all documentation must be dated within the previous 12 months.

List Health Condition here: ______________________________________


_____ In the case of a diagnosis of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), written and signed documentation of a medical diagnosis by a licensed physician, an advanced practice registered nurse or licensed psychologist is required for purposes of identifying a child with a disability. (Minn. Stat. 125A.02 Subd.1.)

For an initial evaluation, documents must be dated within the past 12 months. The documentation must show the student meets DSM criteria in items A-E. DSM criteria documentation must be provided by a licensed physician, mental health or medical professional licensed to diagnose the condition.

B. Adverse Effects

In comparison with peers, the health condition adversely affects the pupil’s ability to complete educational tasks within routine timelines as documented in at least three of the following areas:

_____ Excessive absenteeism linked to the health condition (e.g., hospitalizations, medical treatments, surgeries or illness)

_____ Specialized health care procedures that are necessary during the school day

_____ Medications that adversely affect learning and functioning in terms of comprehension, memory, attention or fatigue

_____ Limited physical strength resulting in decreased capacity to perform school activities

_____ Limited endurance resulting in decreased stamina and decreased ability to maintain performance

_____ Heightened or diminished alertness resulting in impaired abilities (e.g., prioritizing environmental stimuli, maintaining focus, or sustaining effort or accuracy)

_____ Impaired ability to manage and organize materials and complete classroom assignments within routine timelines

_____ Impaired ability to follow directions or initiate and complete a task

C. Unsatisfactory Educational Progress

The student’s health condition results in a pattern of unsatisfactory educational progress as determined by a comprehensive evaluation documenting the required components of subpart 2 (A) and (B). The eligibility findings must be supported by current or existing data from items (a) to (e) below:

_____ a. An individually administered, nationally normed standardized evaluation of the pupil’s academic performance

_____ b. Documented, systematic interviews conducted by a licensed special education teacher with classroom teachers and the pupil’s parent or guardian

_____ c. One or more documented, systematic observations in the classroom or other learning environment by a licensed special education teacher

_____ d. A review of the pupil’s health history, including the verification of a medical diagnosis of a health condition

_____ e. Records review

Review of Eligibility Determination

To determine compliance with eligibility determination, one of the following must be checked. 

_____ The documentation supports the team decision.
_____ The documentation does not support the team decision.

For complete information regarding disability criteria requirements, refer to Minnesota Rule 3525.1335.