Welcome to Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative

The Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative (FFASEC) MN 935, is made up of nine (9) school districts.  The districts are Ashby, Battle Lake, Breckenridge, Campbell-Tintah, Fergus Falls, Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative, Pelican Rapids, Rothsay and Underwood.  The total geographic area served by the FFASEC is about 50 miles north to south and 50 miles east to west.

A joint powers board of all districts’ superintendents and one school board member from each district governs the Cooperative.  The full board meets four times a year at 12:00 p.m., on the second Monday in June, October, January, and April.  The executive board, consisting of four members of the Cooperative Board and four Cooperative Superintendents, meets monthly on the second Monday at 12:00 p.m.  Together, the Cooperative school districts have 6,662 students in public schools and 455 students in non-public schools in the different communities.  There are 54 employees in the Cooperative, including full and part time staff.

Our Member Districts

Ashby Public Schools


Battle Lake Public Schools

Battle Lake

Breckenridge Public Schools


Campbell-Tintah Public Schools


`Fergus Falls Public Schools

Fergus Falls

Pelican Rapids Public Schools

Pelican Rapids

Rothsay Public Schools


Underwood Public Schools


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